The Yeti Revisited

An ongoing narrative, a place of gathering, a refocusing of creative energies...and yetis.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Pretty red things.

A lot of nice things in my life right now are red (I realize as I look around my room.) A Feast For Crows is red, the issue of Mother Jones that I bought yesterday is red, my bass is red. Yes, I'm actually going to try to learn the bass (finally). This sort of arose from a discussion I had with Nick Chandler back at Hampshire before the semester ended. Nick is also a drummer and we got to talking about how fun it was to be in a band, and how we missed just jamming with people, playing covers, and being really silly. This prompted me to inform him that if I had the time and dedication that I'd try to pick up the bass over the summer (as we had one at home from a few years ago collecting dust). It's nothin' special, just a Squire P-Bass, but it's fun to mess around with.

I just spent a couple hours looking up tabs. My Name is Jonas by Weezer is really fun, and pretty easy, but what I really want to learn is El Scorcho. :P All the tabs I found though didn't really sound quite right, or maybe I'm playing them wrong. Museum of Idiots by They Might Be Giants is ludicrously fun, though hard.

I just had a thought: The Strokes. Fun music, good basslines. I should check that out. I'd really like to be able to take lessons and get into reading music again and actually playing. But I'm not really sure I have the time or money to find a teacher. And I don't know if I'm that serious about it. Maybe I can turn up some online manuals or books from BitTorrent. Much cheaper.


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