The Yeti Revisited

An ongoing narrative, a place of gathering, a refocusing of creative energies...and yetis.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


So, I just remembered (while at work) to look up my course evaluations on The Hub. For non-Hampshirites: this is the closest thing I get to a grade for my classes, it is a detailed explanation of how the professor felt I met or did not meet the goals of the course and other such comments. Well, at any rate, I just finished reading my eval for Ordering the World, which was a challenging course with two fairly hard-to-please professors. It looks like I managed to impress at least one of them, because my evaluation was glowing. I suspect it was Jim Wald who did the actual typing of my eval, because he uses the personal pronoun "I" in the final sentence when he says "I look forward to having Dan in a history class next fall" (I am preregistered for one of Jim's courses). This is very exciting to me, particularly because I really admire him and am considering asking him to be on my Div II committee. I love Jeff too, but it was Jim that I was hoping to impress with my final paper---and it looks like I succeeded.

Therefore: w00t.


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