The Yeti Revisited

An ongoing narrative, a place of gathering, a refocusing of creative energies...and yetis.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Hasn't been much time for art these days. Here's a quick sketch I did this afternoon while taking a break from school work. It was intended as a series of sketches to allow me to get inside the setting I had imagined for a (hopefully) upcoming comics project. Expecting to fill the few remaining pages of a sketchbook with further images I crammed this one into half a page, hence the relative lack of detail and questionable scanning quality. Still, it was a good exploration, and I feel much more at home in this part of the world I've created now. And I definitely wouldn't mind spending time in this place, a "base" of sorts for the main characters. There's some proportion-weirdness, but I think it captures the mood. I envision the place with much more junk lying about, but junk is hard to draw without getting into full detail.


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