The Yeti Revisited

An ongoing narrative, a place of gathering, a refocusing of creative energies...and yetis.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The processes of stuff and such...

This is a rough sketch of the first ever Geeks comic, a title that has a long and dorky history across various media (mostly digital video) with a couple of my friends from RI. This page is the introduction of Bruce (one of the main characters) to the series. I sketch it out in light blue first to form a base for the later (digital) inking. The entire process happens in the GIMP (a free photoshop analogue released under the GNU license) with a Wacom Intuos3.

When I sent a copy to Tom, who's writing the series, he complained about the blue being too light to see on his screen. So I darkened it for posterity and decided to throw it up here for your perusal. Enjoy. The final incarnation is hopefully coming soon!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Hasn't been much time for art these days. Here's a quick sketch I did this afternoon while taking a break from school work. It was intended as a series of sketches to allow me to get inside the setting I had imagined for a (hopefully) upcoming comics project. Expecting to fill the few remaining pages of a sketchbook with further images I crammed this one into half a page, hence the relative lack of detail and questionable scanning quality. Still, it was a good exploration, and I feel much more at home in this part of the world I've created now. And I definitely wouldn't mind spending time in this place, a "base" of sorts for the main characters. There's some proportion-weirdness, but I think it captures the mood. I envision the place with much more junk lying about, but junk is hard to draw without getting into full detail.